Monday, May 6, 2013
Controlling Blood Cholesterol Levels
The word 'cholesterol' is often spoken by many people, especially for those who are older. Actually, what is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a substance formed by the liver (liver) of saturated fat that comes from food, and augmented by the cholesterol that is already there in animal foods such as meat, egg yolks, or milk products.
Actually, cholesterol is needed by the body to maintain health, since cholesterol is a precursor of steroid hormones that regulate various body metabolism, bile acids, and components of the cell walls in the body.
However, if the cholesterol levels in the blood are too high, will increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. This is caused by excess cholesterol that is not needed by the body is stored in the walls of blood vessels that causes constriction of blood vessels, called atherosclerosis. If there's too much, it will clog the blood vessels so that blood can not be the total flow.
If these events occur in the blood vessels that run through the heart muscles, then there was a heart attack. Meanwhile, if this happens to the blood vessels in the brain, then there was a stroke.
Thus, to prevent such occurrences, it is advisable to take measurements of blood cholesterol levels on a regular basis for those over the age of 35 years. On their blood cholesterol levels tend to be higher along with other risk factors for heart disease and stroke, it is advisable to take measurements more frequently as directed by your doctor.
Cholesterol in the body is actually made up of various kinds, which is a combination of fat-protein substances called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein (low-density lipoproteins / LDL), cholesterol serves to send the blood vessels of the body goes. While high-density lipoproteins (high density lipoproteins / HDL) function to get rid of cholesterol from the bloodstream.
That is why LDL is often called 'bad cholesterol' which amount should not be too much, while HDL is called "good" cholesterol. Apart from that, also known as LDL lower density ie VLDL, and triglycerides are often known as 'neutral fats' which is the most widely circulating fats in the blood vessels.
To achieve good blood cholesterol levels, so it does not cause an increased risk of various diseases but still enough to keep the various functions of the body, it takes a balance of different types of cholesterol exist.
For example, if high levels of total blood cholesterol due to the high levels of LDL, the risk for heart disease or stroke is high. Whereas if high blood cholesterol levels due to high levels of HDL, the risk for heart disease or stroke is not high.
Here are the values that can be a reference in the assessment of blood cholesterol levels in a fasting state (all sizes in mg / dl):
Total blood cholesterol levels,
Under 200: good
Between 200 and 239: the upper limit
Above 240: a high risk of heart disease & stroke
Less than 130: good
Between 130 to 159: the upper limit
More than 160: a high risk of heart disease & stroke
HDL levels
Less than 40: a high risk of heart disease & stroke
Over 60: reduction in risk of heart disease & stroke
Triglyceride levels
Less than 200: good
Between 200 and 399: the upper limit
More than 400: a high risk of heart disease & stroke
There are a variety of things can be done to control blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke:
- Stop smoking;
- Adjust your diet with emphasis on vegetables and fruits, limit the amount of calories, reduce your intake of cholesterol and saturated fats from animal foods, and stopping at all offal (intestines, tripe, spleen, liver, lung, brain, fat, skin);
- Exercise regularly 2-3 times per week;
- Lose weight for those who are overweight;
- Controlling blood pressure;
- Controlling blood sugar levels when exposed to diabetes (diabetes).
If necessary, to consult a doctor, can be used different types of drugs that can lower blood cholesterol levels. But keep in mind, by using cholesterol-lowering drugs does not mean that life can go around to keep smoking, no set diet, and stop exercising.
The types of cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins consist of blood, niacin group (a type of vitamin B), and fibrates acid group. Your doctor will choose the type of medication that is tailored to the results of blood cholesterol. However, because the treatment for lowering blood cholesterol levels can not be done in a short time, ask your doctor prescribe generic drugs that cost of treatment is not expensive.
By controlling blood cholesterol levels, in addition to reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, the body also will function normally so that they can enjoy a longer healthier life.
Alternative Medicine Alternative Medicine Is Not
Health is a right of all people, because no human health can not move normally, even words of wisdom that does not mean wealth without health. Healthy according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) is a state of physical, mental, social, and not merely a state that is free from disease, disability, and weakness / affliction. To stay healthy, people make efforts to maintain and improve their health. While if the illness, the treatment and repair efforts made to re-healthy condition. All efforts to achieve the health, than carried by private, also conducted by the government or private organizations.
Healthcare business consists of various types, ranging from the scholarly treatment by modern medicine, and alternative medicine (PA) are sourced from a variety of backgrounds, such as traditional, religious, belief, or technology which has not been proven scientifically, with a variety of techniques and devices treatment.
Through research, many types of treatment that was the PA has turned into a modern scientific medical treatment, such as in some traditional medicines from natural ingredients are better known as jamu in Indonesia.
However, there are many other PA who do not have a scientific basis, making it difficult to determine the parameters of the objective in his assessment. Thus, a variety of PA is more confidence / suggestions from users, while it should be, the treatment has been allowed to be used in the community through a series of research / testing and statistical calculations to be feasible for use. Sophisticated treatment equipment was still considered to be PA if it has not been through the process.
In the modern medical treatment, has made arrangements, standardization, and oversight by the government through various laws. While the PA, not many settings and standardization are stipulated in the legislation, while monitoring is done only in the form of registration only by local governments.
With the setting, standardization, and oversight of the government alone, there remains a modern medical treatment facilities out of order, so it becomes a matter of law. In the PA, in the absence of regulation, standardization, and adequate supervision of the government, led to the lack of adequate legal protection for its users if there are irregularities.
It is utilized by many health workers are supposed to use in the practice of modern medicine, changed direction into a fixed PA practitioners combined with modern medical science. The health workers also many that sell health products / supplements & PA is not in accordance with the standards of modern medical treatment to supplement his income.
It is actually a violation of the laws and regulations governing health workers to use only methods of treatment according to the standard of modern medicine, as noted in chapter 50-51 no.29/2004 Law & PP no.32/1996 chapter 21. For doctors, it is also a violation of professional ethics as stated in Article 6 of the Code of Indonesian Medical.
In the exercise undertaken by the PA, there are no clear standards in its implementation, so that the user community is threatened various hazards. PA in addition to not having sufficient evidence of a scientific study, also not trained through an education that meets the standards such as the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Thus, power PA does not have a clear basis on a skill and eligibility standards / competence of a person referred to be able to do some kind of treatment. No wonder a lot of fake PA appears detrimental to society.
Of the latest search results by health authorities in different regions, many facilities / personnel PA was not registered in the local health department. This would complicate treatment when problems arise in the treatment performed by means / force PA.
It is also accompanied by the fact that the PA is more based on the claims of successful treatment outcomes and advertised in the community, without any statistical testing. So there is a saying that if physicians treating 100 people and one person fails, then the 99 people who reported never recovered, while the 1 person who failed it will be preached everywhere. Whereas if the PA, if 100 people were treated and there is 1 person who managed, probably just a coincidence, then that will be successfully advertised everywhere while the remaining 99 are considered disadvantaged or have time to recover without any accountability to the public and not notified .
Keep in mind that so far, the PA is only registered in the local government, which is not a license to engage in treatment and to guarantee the protection of the public. Licensed to practice medicine is only given by the government on the treatment that has had sufficient scientific evidence. So far, according to data released by the health department, there is no one else who obtain permission PA.
It can be concluded that the PA for now is not a substitute for proper and safe treatment for the community. Government is expected to immediately make arrangements and closer scrutiny in practice PA to protect the public. As for health workers such as doctors, nurses, midwives, or pharmacist, so it is recommended to not use the PA in practice to prevent violations of the law and professional ethics.
It is advisable for people not to recklessly trust or use PA, despite the PA using ads 'bombastic' or performed by health workers with claims that seem convincing to avoid being a victim.
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