Drug ...... and ..... treatment
Less Rational Use of Drugs
Healthy living as Human Rights should be realized in the form of a variety of health measures to the entire community through the organization of health care, including administering medications rational.
Provision of drugs is a rational core of all activities in the organization of health efforts should be made by health workers who have high ethical and moral, with expertise must continually upgraded.
However, the fact that the field of rational use of drugs less frequently or are still prevalent in day-to-day health services, ranging from physician practices, clinics, health centers, arrived at the hospital.
Classified as less rational use of drugs, among others, excessive use of drugs both in the type and number of doses, indications of drug delivery that are not clear, the use of procedures or improper use, a combination of high-risk medications, the use of expensive drugs while there are many drugs less similar, and the use of injectable drugs and infusion unnecessary.
If you notice, that in general the goal of treatment is to leave the treatment without drugs or side effects with minimal side effects, and drug prices are affordable and easy to obtain community.
In everyday life that are affected by various factors, the goal of treatment is often not achieved. Factors that influence the less rational drug delivery include:
- Lack of knowledge of health professionals in the science of medicine.
- The habit of prescribing a particular type or brand drug.
- Public confidence against a particular type or brand drug.
- The desire of patients who are likely to want to consume certain drugs, with a suggestion to heal faster.
- The sponsor of a particular drug the pharmaceutical industry.
- Provision of drugs based on the good relationship of the individual with the pharmaceutical industry.
- The necessity of a supervisor in a health care institution or agency to prescribe certain drugs.
- Information that is inaccurate or biased, so that drug use is not appropriate.
- The workload is too heavy to be a health worker does not have time to think about the rational use of drugs.
- There is a limited supply of drugs in an agency or a specific health agencies, so that kind of medication that is needed for a disease it is not available, so use other drugs.
Administration of drugs that are less rational or not in accordance with the standards of treatment can be considered violations of the law. The various effects of each type of medication can cause drug interaction effects in the body that can be harmful or dangerous if the drug is given in a number of species that exceed the limit.
For example, when given 3 types of drugs would be associated with the 3 different types of drug interactions, however, when the drug was given 5 will produce more than 10 kinds of drug interactions that have a high risk for the user.
Use of injectable drugs and infusion are less rational is also found in the field, especially at the primary level health facilities such as health centers or private practice physicians in the community with the scope to the middle. Rooted in the belief that less educated people who are not treated unless they have been given the injectable drug. Type IV is limited and is available on the type of health facilities such as health centers also lead to improper use of infusion.
The existence of a variety of information media (print, television, radio, internet, etc.) also give adverse effects that cause people to oversimplify taking medications such as medication to reduce pain or fever indication of improper use. Such as the work load, then someone with an easy to use medication to reduce pain for feeling a little headache. Likewise for the housewives are quick to feel worried if there are children with a fever, then they quickly given febrifuge.
The use of antibiotics in health care practices can be classified into several types of treatment of a disease based dosing guidelines and a certain way, and there is also a dose based on everyday experience.
The existence of immunity and bacterial infection rate increases, causing the treatment dose is usually higher than it should be. Coupled with the advanced pharmaceutical technologies to develop antibiotics to several generations and continues to thrive to this day.
Many private practice physicians now are concurrently being a marketer of certain pharmaceutical companies or follow the membership Multi Level Marketing (MLM) health. Generally, the products sold are food supplements (food supplement) or a multivitamin. Use of dietary supplements or multivitamins become irrational when giving no indication based, or because the price charged is quite expensive, sometimes even much more expensive than it is important that the drug be given to the disease.
In some cases, pharmaceutical companies that sponsor the organization of scientific, sometimes thought to be associated with health care policy to be bound to the 'relationship' with health workers pharmaceutical companies. Reluctance to prescribe generic drugs by most doctors because interventions such as pharmaceutical companies that make lower-middle-class people to sometimes have to pay more for drugs that should be bought cheaply.
In a very remote area health centers and is very difficult to reach due to terrain difficult to reach by public health officials, sometimes the supply of drugs is not guaranteed smoothly, hence only provide employee health centers that only drugs available to patients seeking treatment, although its use is not an indication appropriate.
Given the many problems, proposed alternative solutions to the problem:
- Health workers are encouraged to follow the scientific forums regarding the rational use of drugs to add insight and knowledge of health workers about the drug. As we know, the treatment will provide the principal effects, side effects, unforeseen effects and toxic effects. Therefore add insight about this is a must considering the possible risks they pose.
- Restrict the use of injectable drugs or unnecessary infusion.
- Appealing to the government to help restrict advertising in the mass media that 'incite' consumers to use certain OTC drugs in the long-term side effects are not good for health.
- Provision of food supplements or multivitamins only when health workers feel patients need them. For example, in diabetes patients given foods that do not contain glucose. Health professionals should also look at the economic situation of the patient, considering the price of food supplements are generally expensive.
- Encourage the habit of prescribing generic drugs, given the price of generic drugs affordable by almost all levels of society.
- Asking the government to increase publicity about the rational use of drugs, which are installed in public places and health facilities. Also requires health workers to attend seminars / training on rational use of drugs with 'Punish and reward' in its implementation.
It can be concluded that the rational use of drugs is something that should be done by all health workers, keeping in mind the possibility of errors in treatment. Treatment with drugs that are less precise indications or higher prices than they should simply be burdensome patient.
Wise Use of Antibiotics
Antibiotic drugs are very commonly prescribed drug in the patient's physician, for example, in patients with primary symptoms of fever. The community often use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.
By definition, is an antibiotic drug ingredient that serves to inhibit the growth of microorganisms or destroy life, in this case is bacterial. In the world of health, antibiotic drug used to stop bacterial infections in the human body. Antibiotics consists of many groups that are further divided into many types with the workings of various kinds.
Around the world, antibiotics are classified as hard drugs can only be obtained by prescription, so purchase and use of antibiotics without a prescription is a step in the wrong, because the use of antibiotics that are not appropriate / rational can pose a variety of hazards to users.
The use of antibiotics is not rational / right are:
- Dose or duration of use that do not fit the standard treatment
- Indication of the wrong treatment
- Do not prescribed by a doctor
- The use of too often.
This, in addition to harmful to users, can also give rise to immunity (resistance) of bacteria to antibiotics, so that the antibiotics can not be used again (does not work) for the same bacterial infection.
To complete the treat infections caused by bacteria and prevent bacterial resistance to antibiotics are used, then the doctor prescribe antibiotics according to the existing standard treatment. It is in the community known as antibiotic drugs 'should be discharged' and always mentioned / written by doctor / pharmacist.
There is a growing misconception in society, that every fever must be caused by a bacterial infection that should be treated with antibiotics. In fact, not only the symptoms of fever caused by infection with bacteria, but by various other diseases, including bacterial infection in addition to bacteria, such as viruses or protozoa, which can not be treated with antibiotics. However, many who always ask for a prescription antibiotic medication doctor when experiencing symptoms of fever.
Many doctors also seems too easy to prescribe antibiotics less as indicated. To prevent this, try to always ask any indication antibiotic prescribing physician.
Many complaints or illnesses caused by bacterial infection but not in treatment because of incorrect use of antibiotics, for example:
- Diarrhea: more than half are caused by viruses.
- Colds, cough, and sore throat: almost all complaints are caused by viruses.
If you're having complaints above, is not appropriate if the direct use of antibiotics, largely due to his illness was not caused by bacterial infection.
Following the simple instructions in the diseases common to distinguish infection by bacteria or viruses:
- Diarrhea: caused by bacteria usually accompanied by mucus and blood, whereas usually caused by a virus there is little mucus and blood.
- Colds, cough, and sore throat: sputum or nasal discharge is usually yellow or green to bacterial infection, which is caused by a virus while sputum or nasal secretions usually clear or white color.
- Fever: caused by a virus usually accompanied by a sudden high & joint pain, while those caused by bacteria usually gradual rise in body temperature.
- Laboratory tests (on physician referral): the bacterial infection there is an increase in the number of leukocytes (white blood cells) exceeded normal in routine blood tests.
The things above are not always the case, because there may be a viral infection or a bacterial infection with otherwise. It is better to consult a physician customers.
Whatever the cause of diarrhea, the treatment is to replace fluids lost due to diarrhea with air-electrolyte drink fluids (ORS). For diarrhea caused by viruses, will get better by itself within 4-5 days. However, because the mortality rate is high due to diarrhea in children, better child who has diarrhea is under the supervision of a physician.
In dealing with runny nose, cough, or sore throat, a common treatment is rest and drink more than usual with adequate nutrient intake to increase endurance. If the complaints are caused by a viral infection, not be given the drug.
To overcome fever (from any cause) which lasted 1-2 days, can be given fever relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is advisable to consult a doctor if the fever lasts 3 days or more.
It can be concluded that the rational use of antibiotics / right is that:
- As per indications, ie for infections caused by bacteria
- With consultation and prescribed by a physician
- Dosage and duration of use according to the standard treatment
- If necessary, supported by the results of the investigation / laboratory.
Tips in the use of antibiotics:
- Many antibiotics are already available in generic form, so do not hesitate to ask for generic prescription drugs when the doctor stated that the disease needs to be treated with antibiotics.
- Record the name if you experience an allergic reaction to certain antibiotics. Tell us the name of the drug on the doctor each time medical treatment and antibiotics will be prescribed medication, so your doctor may choose an antibiotic drug from the class / type of the other.
Why Using Generic Drugs?
For some people in Indonesia, the word 'generic' is not a foreign word. However, for some of them anyway, generic drugs that could mean cheap, inferior, or synonymous with 'medicine clinic'. However, what exactly generic drugs and why should we use generic drugs?
Generic drug is a drug which is identical to the patented drugs, both in terms of dosage, safety, strength, how to use, quality, and ability. Generic drugs usually appear after a period of exclusivity expired patent drug sales. Generic drugs can be cheap because they do not have to pay for a license, the cost of research, and advertising. Generic packaging used is also much simpler than patented drugs to lower production costs. In addition, to lower the price again, usually generics get subsidies from the government.
For these reasons, a generic drug is actually feasible to be used by communities to save money without sacrificing quality in the treatment and safety. People should not be afraid to use generics because all generic drugs must also be made by way of making a good par with the quality of drug patents and researched by the government. Generic drugs are shown with the logo on the packaging of generic drugs.
However, that must be observed is very much a generic air-brands, which are often mistakenly referred to as 'patent medicine' by society. Patent medicine for every type there is only one brand, which is issued by the inventor. So, do not be fooled by the words 'patent medicine' which is actually a generic-brand air. For one drug, it can until there are hundreds of brands of air-brand generic drugs, with varying prices, the price can be equal to the price of patented drugs, generic drugs when air-brands do not pay any research at all. Cost of research to discover new drugs are very expensive and take a long time.
So, do not hesitate to use generic drugs. Always ask your doctor prescribe generic drugs whenever treatment.
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