Reduce physical complaints
related to computer use
Man gets easier to live with the result of technological advances. One of these is the result of advances in computer technology. With the easier to do a lot of things using the computer, then a lot of people do work at a computer for long periods. At first, this did not cause significant complaints, but after the longer and the more people who work with computers, the more health problems arise.
There are many subjective complaints were obtained by computer users, their complaints generally experiencing neck pain, back pain, eye pain, dizziness, difficulty urinating, pain in the arm, leg aching, tingling, and even mental stress.
Such complaints are often overlooked, but if it continues to be felt, can disrupt and reduce work productivity. The phenomenon of subjective complaints can be referred to the injury caused by the pressure of continuous work. Complaints like these little reported, but it is widely experienced by workers who use computers.
Pain-reducing drug use also does not eliminate the problem, but only reduce the symptoms, and even tend to be dangerous if used for a long time. In addition, nearly all computers, designed for people in the 'western world' which has a different posture than most Indonesian.
This is also compounded by the lack of people concerned for the people who work with computers. If things go on like this, will result in many hours of work will be lost, corporate profits will be reduced and the cost of treatment will increase.
Computer operators to work for long hours with a static posture, the hand movements over and over. With the state of course, a computer operator desks have a high enough risk to get a cumulative injury to the muscle.
This risk factor will be higher with the long duration of the work, with poor posture, neck position is wrong, inadequate workplace, placement of computer screens, keyboards, or the wrong paper.
To avoid or reduce health problems caused by such things, things you can do is prevention with attitude and a good work arrangements also set the pattern of life during and outside working hours.
Customize your equipment will work every start working, so fatigue and injuries can be reduced, such as adjusting the seat height appropriate height, put the top edge of the monitor is in one straight line with your eyes so that the head does not look up or down when looking to monitor, adjust the distance of the monitor to eye there in the distance reading (about 50cm) so that the body does not have to bend over every time I look into the monitor, and set the 'refresh rate' monitor at 72Hz or more so that the eyes do not get tired.
Then the back propped up by a well-padded seat, use a foot rest (footrest) so that the arms are relaxed, upper & lower arms form a 90 degree angle when typing, the heel of both hands resting / leaning on the table, not hanging, and use a chair with a buffer / armrest down.
To be able to read comfortably, adjust the contrast settings of the monitor and the power of light, not too light so blinding and adequate contrast so that the writing on the monitor is easy to read, avoid bright light directly behind or in front of the monitor, and ensure adequate lighting in the room for reading / writing printed.
Use and set up with the right headphone & microphone (headset) which provided that can be heard clearly and talk without having to shout and avoid the same sitting position for a long time, vary a comfortable sitting position
Drink enough to prevent dehydration. Fluid requirements are recommended for those who work in air-conditioned room is about 50-60cc / kg bw / day. Do not hold urine for preventing urinary tract infections or stone formation in the urinary tract. Adjust the room temperature work, not too cold or too hot. Temperature that is too hot will make tired and emotional increased, while the temperature is too cold will make the muscles become stiff and more susceptible to injury.
If possible, turn the music volume slowly to avoid saturation and reduce emotion. Adequate amounts of sleep, around 6-8 hours / day. Eating foods that are nutritionally complete, varied, and balanced, also enough fibers (vegetables / fruits). Heavy meal 1-2 hours before starting work so that there is enough energy to work without being harassed hunger or sleepiness.
Exercise regularly 2-3 times per week. Immediately consult a doctor every time feel no symptoms / complaints in the body that are not normal so it can be treated quickly.
By doing the above things, health problems from working with computers can be reduced and productivity / efficiency increases.
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