Tuesday, April 30, 2013

 pizza ?

Meski termasuk jenis roti, membuat pizza tidak sesulit bikin roti. Misalnya saja, anda tak perlu menguleninya sampai elastic. Jadi, selain tak sulit, membuat pizza juga jauh lebih mudah dan lebih praktis. Namun ada hal-hal yang perlu anda pahami dulu supaya tidak keliru. Berikut adalah rahasianya._________________________________

        Sebelum membuat pizza, tentu yang harus anda siapkan lebih dahulu adalah bahannya. Untuk menghasilkan pizza yang enak, bahan yang dipilih pun harus tepat. Di samping bahan, cara pembuatan juga harus benar. Mari kita lihat satu-satu persatu.

        Untuk membuat pizza anda tak perlu menggunakan tepung terigu protein tinggi seperti yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat roti. Tepung protein rendah malah hasilnya akan lebih empuk. Diluar negeri orang tak hanya menggunakan tepung terigu biasa untuk membuat pizza. Kadang juga menggunakan whole wheat flour atau tepung semolina. Kedua jenis tepung ini membuat rasa pizza menjadi berbeda, lebih harum, dan tentu saja lebih berserat.

        Segala bentuk ragi, instant, basah, kering bisa digunakan untuk membuat pizza anda mengembang, namun kebanyakan orang lebih sering menggunakan ragi instan (missal, haan, fermipan, atau saft instan). Karena lebih praktis. Ragi instan tak perlu direndam dulu dalam air hangat, tapi langsung dicampur dalam adonan.

        Pizza asli dibuat dari minyak zaitun. Orang-orang italia memilih minyak zaitun ekstra virgin untuk membuat pizza. Minyak ini diambil dari ekstrak buah olive (zaitun). Pada penyaringan pertama, tanpa pemanasan atau penambahan bahan-bahan kimia. Konon minyak zaitun ini memiliki keharuman buah zaitun yang segar. Minyak seperti ini juga membuat saus anda jauh lebih enak.
        Karena itu kata pakar pizza, pilihlah minyak zaitun yang warnanya lebih gelap, lebih hijau. Semakin hijau dan gelap warna minyaknya, semakin harum pizza anda. Tetapi tentu saja selera tetap jadi pegangan. Kalau anda tak suka keharuman minyak zaitun yang tajam, minyak zaitun yang biasapun tak masalah. Yang jelass simpan minyak zaitun anda pada wadah yang kedap udara, dan terhindar dari sinar dan panas.

        Tomat merupakan bahan dasar saus. Gunakan selalu tomat segar, bukan saus tomat. Saus tomat hanya digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan, bukan bahan utama. Begitu juga dengan pasta tomat.
        Tomat yang anda pilih bisa yang matang atau yang setengah matang, sesuai selera. Bila suka yang asam, tentunya pilihan pada tomat yang tidak terlalu matang.

        Herb (dedaunan wewangian) amat penting untuk menimbulkan harum pizza yang sesungguhnya. Dedaunan yang digunakan bisa daunsegar atau daun yang sudah dikeringkan. Dedaunan wewangian yang sering digunakan biasanya oregano, basil, peterseli dan chives, thyme dan rosemary. Anda bisa mendapatkan bumbu-bumbu ini dipasar swalayan. Biasanya dedaunan ini sudah dikeringkan dan dikemas dalam botol-botol kecil.

        Pizza tanpa keju, rasanya pasti tidak mirip pizza. Banyak jenis keju yang pas digunakan untuk membuat pizza, tetapi umumnya orang Indonesia lebih suka keju mozzarella. Penyebab lain, keju jenis lain sulit diperoleh. Kalaupun ada, harganya mahal.
        Di italia yang digunakan dalam membuat pizza sungguh variativ antara lain :
Parmesan bubuk digunakan untuk taburan saus hingga lebih harum dan tentu cita rasanya pun semakin tinggi. Ingat, simpan sisa parmesan dalam tempat kedap udara didalam lemari pendingin.
Pizza klasik selalu menggunakan keju jenis ini. Istimewanya, keju akan meleleh begitu dipanaskan. Tetapi sebagai akibatnya, pizza harus disantap sepanas mungkin sehingga keju tidak lagi mengeras. Bila dipotong maka bentuknya elastic seperti karet, membentuk benang-benang panjang.
Selain mozzarella, juga sering digunakan keju lain yang rasanya berbeda, tetapi punya sifat sama, yaitu melelh ketika dipanaskan.. misalnya gouda, brie atau keju swiss.
Meski keju-keju diatas lebih sering dipakai untuk pizza, namun keju lain seperti ricota, atau blue chees kadang tetap dipilih sesuai dengan selera masing-masing.

        Daging yang dipilih sebagai topping pizza bisa beragam, mulai dari daging sapi giling, ayam giling, udang atau ikan atau daging olahan seperti sosis atau daging asap. Hampir semua pizza menggunakan daging-dagingan kecuali tentu saja pizza vegetarian.

        Kecuali daging, banyak bahan ditambahkan untuk topping pizza. Misalnya, paprika, terong dan buah zaitun. Banyak jenis pizza diera sekarang, ada yang memasukkan tahu dan kacang mede untuk menambah kelezatan pizza dan menambah jenis pizza.
        Bumbu yang dipakai juga bukan lagi sesuai aslinya, meski dedaunan wewangian asli masih digunakan, tetapi bumbu dari Negara asli yang bersangkutan mulai ditambahkan secara dominan. Misalnya di Indonesia, bumbu rendang mulai dipakai untuk memberi variasipada pizza.

        Cara membuat kulit pizza amat sederhana. Seluruh bahan dicampur lalu diaduk dengan tangan atau dimixer roti. Pengadukan ddengan tangan tak perlu terlalu lama. Yang penting adonan sudah terlihat licin dan tidak berbiji-biji. Sekali lagi adonan tak perlu terlalu elastic.
        Adonan yang sudah licin tadi ditutup dengan serbet lembab dan didiamkan selama 30 menit supaya mengembang. Dari situ, adonan dibentuk diloyang. Loyang yang digunakan biasanya berbetuk bulat ddenga dinding yang pendek. Bahan Loyang umumnya dari Teflon. Tetapi kalau anda tak punya Loyang seperti itu, bentuk saja kulit pizza bulat atau segi empat dan letakkan diloyang kue kering yang sudah dioles dengan mentega.
        Tebal tipisnya pizza disesuaikan dengan selera anda. Beberapa orang lebih suka adonan kulit yang tebal, sebaliknya sebagian orang memilih adonan yang tipis kering.
        Oleskan pizz dengan mentega sebelum ditambahkan topping. Setelah topping, tutup pizza dengan keju dan oven selam 10-15 menit dlam suhu 200°C. pizza yang dioven terlalu lam akan mengeras dan renyah.
        Telah dikemukakan diatas tomat adalah bahan utama topping. Tomat bisa direbus dulu sampai lunak kemudian diparut halus. Bumbu yang digunakan hanya bawang putih, bawang Bombay, dan dedaunan wewangian seperti oregano. Thyme dan basil.
        Kini topping dibuat lebih variatif. Saus ala barbeque termasuk yang sering digunakan, juga saus ala oriental. Tentu kehadiran saus-saus seperti ini membuat jenis pizza bertambah banyak.

        Kulit pizza bisa disimpan dalam frezzer setelah difermentasi. Bungkus kulit pizza denga plastic wrap rapat-rapat. Penyimpanan dan suhu yang tepat bisa membuat kulit pizza bertahan sampai 3 bulan. Sebelum dioven kembalikan dulu kulit pizza dalam temperature ruang. Setelah itu kulit pizza siap dibubuhkan topping dan dioven. Ingatlah, oven pizza selalu begitu hendak disajikan karena pizza adalah hidangan yang harus disantap panas-panas. Pizza yang dingin cenderung keras dan kurang enak disantap.



If you want a crispy fried potatoes, potato who would choose a little water content (potato bleak is usually sold in chunks finger). But the presentation of hot and soon after he was appointed.
Because the water content of the potato so it's a bit hard after a cold. If you want the usual fried potatoes, for example, to eat sticks friends, select regular potatoes or small potatoes. Potatoes should be peeled and soaked in water that has been spiked with salt. Once fried until golden brown. You can saute it.

AND croquette patties
Until recently, in Indonesia, the best test for potato fritters and croquettes. Steamed potatoes (do not boil that does not absorb water) with the skin until soft. After it peeled and crushed. Then the potatoes ready to be processed.
Potatoes can also be fried before being crushed. It's just a skinned potatoes until the result is less smooth besides potatoes so oily.
If you wanted to put the milk in the batter, select milk powder, not liquid milk or sweetened condensed milk. The dough is too soft, often making cakes or croquettes so broken when fried.

Regular potato can be used to create pastel dough will be closed for another mix, including milk, butter, or eggs. Besides, pastel cover is generally served in the dish and spoon taken with the way in

Many of our dishes using potatoes. For example, stews or rendang. For stews, regular potatoes can be selected. Fried first before being mixed in the dough so that the potatoes are not chapped when cooked with meat or vegetables. For rendang you can choose small potatoes. Cook with the skin while the meat is ¾ cooked. It's good potatoes that had been stabbed until the spices to infuse into.


Good test for dry potato potatoes. Thin slices of potato round or match. Soak potatoes in water laced with salt and water whiting. After the drain, before returning with spices cooked potatoes should really be free of oil so that the result is crispy.

Friday, April 26, 2013

god greatness behind the sophistication of medical devices

my little girl

I think the dream of every young mother is the same, want the perfect child, I married the end of 2006, exactly 22 december ago ago, and I declared pregnant in early June 2008. My wish for the birth month of the appropriate physician estimates were far from expected. I was rushed to the hospital when the baby aged 7 months 1hari, because all of a sudden rupture of the membrane, when she reached the hospital. doctors try to mempertahnkan the baby, and I must bathrest in hospital, till the time that can not be determined.The days I spent in hospital. without doing anything, other than joking with her husband and family who happened to be visiting while still lying in bed.And the day was the fourth day I was in the hospital. As usual nurse checked the baby, it seems there's nothing to worry about. After a little back to the room I will check and all of a sudden I saw no blood spots, so I immediately reported my complaints to the nurse, and nurses report went on medicine obstetrician who handles my time, finally rushed to the doctor examined me, it turns out my baby placenta stuck, and soon Caesarean surgery.Hearing the doctor ordered, I was stunned and daydreaming, that is my mind that time is what is happening? why do I have to do this, then what should I do ?.... while passing in front of nuns preparing surgeon. A few minutes later, I immediately entered the operation room, operation room is quiet, I saw a doctor anesthetist, cardiologist, child experts, content experts, 2 sisters and 1 male nurses around me. After injecting a local anesthetic anatesi expert, I could not move anymore and could not feel anything around my tummy to toe.And by chance I see clearly through the transparent glass reflection, how a doctor who dissect rubbed my stomach with liquids, whatever its name. After that sounded like the sound of ceramic cutting rumble in my ear, and when my son was born was also forced, in order to save his life. Thankfully the beginning of his birth he was crying ..... my son was born female.Well .. my son was born prematurely at gestational age 7 months 4 days, just 22 december 2007, right on the day of my marriage. With state of complications, finally one day after being treated in hospital. Gresik, my son was referred dirs. St Paulo in Surabaya, and my condition was really very weak and critical, from the lungs that have not been perfect, the stomach is too small to defecate and vomit blood. Doctors estimate about 25% of his life.Which parent would not be sad to see and hear news of her child thus born!Over the past 17 days my room NICU hospitalized children, and patiently waiting for my husband treated there. While I was still in a weak condition still moaning and wailing through a string of prayer I always prayed to the Creator, so that my son be given the best. The next day my son moved in the room treatments, I occasionally visited my son while breast-feeding ... in my heart I still hope my son can be saved. And recording video above is a proof that as any sophisticated medical devices will not be able to without power!At that time during the day, exactly 36 days into my treatment, I was resting, suddenly heard the ringing telephon ... and I will accept it. Telephon Apparently it comes from the RS. where my son treated. RS Party reported that my son was in good health and allowed to go home to be nursed at home. It was not believed ... I jumped for joy ... and then I contact my husband at work, after all this time leave permission. Suddenly my husband rushed home to pick up my son ... with a happy face me and my son took our baby to come home.

And here she is after a few days home from the hospital. :

Weight loss when my daughter was 2 kg and 51 cm long. Yes ... God ... thanks, you have answered all our prayers.My daughter named "Abigail Nuuri Renata". Abigail is a small woman, Nuuri means of light above the light and Renata means to rise again.I strongly believe and am convinced that medical devices behind modernity and sophistication of medical science, there is the intervention of Almighty God, without which all would not mean anything ... Subhanallah .... I am very happy to welcome my daughter:

We as parents of Abigail Nuuri Renata say many thanks to Allah SWT, RS.where Abigail was born and the hospital where Abigail treated for 36 days, and that special for someone who is like an angel helper, may she always get the blessings and grace of HIM.
Now at age 3 years Abigail has followed the early childhood education, and physical and mental development can be synchronized with the kids his age Alhamdullillah .......... ..... God is great ...... ........

meditation as a natural is healing

In his book, Evelyn M. Monahan, said that the healing will be all kinds of diseases can be done with Meditation Metaphysics .... That is even without taking certain drugs we can healing all diseases. Not just a medical disease but also psychiatric or mental illness for themselves and for the people we love.

There's no complicated technique to do Meditation, and Andapun will not have trouble understanding the methods that you can begin to apply in order to take advantage of this power now. Metaphysical Healing is the greatest force in this universe, you can start using this power in just 15 minutes. And start now.

How to reach Noble Mind 

Your mind is like a house with lots of space, as home spaces intended for a purpose, the areas on your mind also has a special purpose. Especially for the field itself and not another. Most humans go through life in a field, known as space conscious mind.

In the space conscious mind, saved all your anxieties, all the limitations that you create yourself, and all the pessimistic words such as "incurable, unable, impossible and hopeless". The conscious mind is less confidence in the entity itself, and too anxious to hear and believe all the limitations that affect your life since childhood. Space conscious mind is a passive area of your existence is totally blind to reality.

Mind-energy resides in the Supreme Self, specific areas in your mind is to know the truth of your true self. Supreme self knows that "can not be cured, can not afford, and there is no hope" is just mere words, and had no real meaning in your life do not need a Supreme Self-confidence, because he is the belief itself, because he was familiar with his ability own that has no limits. Great self constantly aware of the fact that fully master your physical body, and can destroy all illness or any injury that could cause pain or suffering body. Supreme Self is always in favor of yourself, she always maintain health in mind and body, he is also ready to restore health in mind and body, he is also ready to restore health that may decline due to erroneous beliefs and conscious mind.

Supreme Self is not a passive space, but has no energy storage limit. To make it in the hands of you. You just need to make contact with your Supreme Self. Once a contact is done, illness, injury, pain and suffering will only be a faint memory in the past, because you have achieved key Metaphysical healing miracles. Such a technique is a method of achieving the Supreme Self within you that proved not ever fail. And start now, and do at least 3 times a day, this is the first step to produce a miracle cure for your own mind and body.
Techniques Associated with the Supreme Self 
1. Pick a place that is free from distractions, sit a comfortable with a chair back of the back high enough to sustain the head. (If possible, lay down a perfect position to launch this technique)
2. Sit without crossing the feet or hands to initiate this technique, and close your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose and visualize or imagine that the breath flows through the entire body and back rest pat on the head. Repeat this breathing technique three times, until you realize the energy that resides in the breath and follow your visualization during practice this exercise.
3. Repeat the following words in your mind:
"I am a noble human being. I was the most sublime creation among all beings. The mind and my body was created with the full majesty in such a way that does not exist any sophisticated techniques capable of duplicating the uniqueness inherent in me. I'm beyond all conscious mind can penetrate to all 
Supreme Self ". 
4. Take a deep breath through your nose and visualize the breath flowing through your body and finally resting back at the center of the brain. Repeat this exercise three times a practice
5. Repeat these words three times:
"In the consciousness of Self Agungku, I'm not familiar with the limit voluntarily become the strongest power in all creation. I am now and always will be in an increasingly close relationship with the 
Supreme Self ". 

This technique allows you to reach and maintain your relationship with the Supreme Self, throughout your life.

Since you live in a world where your conscious mind is constantly bombarded or bombarded with ads that sell disease and ill health are easily fooled the public, then the field of physical health will be the main areas where you can apply the power of this miracle penyebuhan Metaphysics.

How do you Make a mental picture About Your Health  Through the Energy Mind Miracles 
1. Pick one place where you are not disturbed. Make yourself as comfortable as possible, by lying or sitting on a chair that has a high backrest to support the head. Now you are ready to use Miracle mental brush.
2. Close your eyes and breathing in deeply through your nose, relax your stomach muscles as you draw breath. In your mind's eye, watch the breath to flow throughout the body, and the end section of the head. Repeat this breathing technique three times.
3. Start using your mental miracle brush using your mind's eye to paint the muscles yourself. Use mental brush and let it sweep through your mind and relax every muscle from head and face, and continue throughout the body to the toes. In your mind repeat the following words: "I want my muscles relax completely. I wish for all tension and stress, leaving the auto-useless my muscles now." 
4. With Miracle Paint energy thoughts your circulatory system image in your mind's eye. let yourself describe all the blood vessels, arteries and capillaries, blood vessels throughout the body smaller. When you are more relaxed, be aware of the flow of blood through the blood through your physical body mentally (through the mind), repeat the following words to yourself: "I want the circulatory system it remove all dirt from my body, and bring life and vitality new cells throughout my body. I want my circulatory system is in perfect harmony, with all other systems in my body. " 
5. Paint your respiratory system image in your mind's eye, using the miracle brush your mental. Leave a clear picture of your lungs are formed on the inner consciousness of the screen. With a movement of your mental brush, let the motion be added to your portraits, and note when the lungs inflate and deflate to suck air to remove all dirt from inside your body. Mentally (in mind) repeat the following words: "I want my respiratory system is in perfect balance. I want my respiratory system inhale oxygen and use it efficiently for the good of me. With the power-energy mind, I ordered my respiratory system brings oxygen to cleaning parts of the body and cleaning out all the dirt parts of the body and remove all dirt from the cells of my body, and out my own system. I want my respiratory system in perfect harmony with all other systems on my body. " 
6. Now you are ready to paint a mental picture of your digestion. With the help of mental energy thoughts and brushes, create a clear picture yan from the stomach, small intestine and your colon. Repeat these words to yourself in the mind: "Through the miracle of mind power energy I want my digestive system in perfect harmony. I want the digestive system that obtain maximum benefit from all the food that enter into the whole body. With the power of mind Miracle energy, I ordered for my digestive system is in perfect harmony with all other systems in my body. " 
7. Make a mental picture of your heart. With Miracle-energy mind, let your mental brush to add motion to your images shape. Repeat the following words in mind to yourself: "With the power of miracle-energy mind, I ordered for my heart is in perfect harmony. I command the heart for it to work at high efficiency levels, work is not too much or too less. I order for my heart is in perfect harmony with all other systems on my body. " 
8. In your mind's eye consciousness, Paint draw your skeletal system. Let your mental brush that is sustained by the power of mind-energy to make a clear picture of all the bones and joints in your body. In the mind, repeat the following words: "Through the miracle of mind-energy, I wish that all the bones and joints in my body are in perfect harmony. I command all the calcium deposits that are not useful in my joints, and elsewhere in the skeletal system I, was dissolved and taken out of the body due to impurities that are not in tune with my health is perfect. I wish for all the joints work at their best levels and for my body frame is in perfect harmony with all other systems on my body. " 
9. Now, Paint your body image as seen in photographs or paintings that reflect the picture of perfect health. While mebayangkan this image in the mind's eye, repeat the following words to yourself: "I want all systems in the body and minds are in perfect harmony both within the systems themselves or in conjunction with one another. With the Miracles energy thoughts I ordered for my Supreme Self maintain this balance by regulating all body cells that are always updated every day, to restore or replace any cells that have been damaged, ill or injured. Through this miracle, my body will be maintained in the status perfect health, where all illness or injury can not develop or appear, and will be disposed of me, because the impurities destroy the harmonious working system. " 
10. Let yourself aware of all that has painted a picture of your own, an artist's mental. Be aware of relaxation and renewed energy that flows through the entire body and your mind. Take a deep breath through your nose and let your mind follow your breath the whole body. Repeat this breathing technique three times. Then lafalkanlah the following words: "I was in mental health and perfect body. Through the healing power Metafifika and energized mind, I always will be a perfect human being with perfect health." 
Open up your eyes and start your routine activities.
This miracle technique, if practiced correctly, will take about 15 minutes every ati. In return you will get the blessings of health perfect body and mind. You were born with the power to produce healing Metaphysical Miracles for yourself and others.
Metaphysical Healing can also be done with a great distance, ledih than 1000 miles away. And you are able to do for the people you love, help heal the body and mental illness.

Secrets of Creating 
Metaphysical Healing Miracles  For Beloved People 


You will feel that the gradual technique is very easy to administer and is guaranteed one hundred percent successful. Read carefully this technique twice, then follow the instructions step by step that is guaranteed never to fail. 
1. In your mind form a clear picture of an injury or disease that you want to heal through Metaphysical healing. 
2. Choose a convenient location where undisturbed, then lie down or sit comfortable in a chair behind her back high enough to prop up your head. 
3. Close your eyes and breathing in deeply through your nose and imagine the flow of breath spread throughout the body using your mind's eye. Relax the abdominal muscles completely and exhale through the nose. Repeat three times this technique. 
4. In your mind's eye, form your own motion picture for healing someone you love. For example, if the person you love megidap benign tumors, benign tumors you can imagine it appearing in your mind's eye and then through the power of energy thoughts you would like a benign tumor began to shrink and continue to shrink until completely gone. If the person you love was injured in an accident, try to form a clear picture of an injury that in your mind's eye. Now, through the power of mind-energy, add movement into your mental picture, and consider the thousands of new cells jostle repair damaged body parts. 
5. You are now ready to fix to add the sound into your mental motion picture.With a picture of loved ones was evident in the eyes of your mind, try to listen to a greeting to your loved ones is, "I was completely healed. I have fully recovered and healthy and without pain or injury". 
6. Try to feel the excitement and desire that comes with this peyembuhan loved ones. Acknowledge that the recovery process has been completed the total because of the great self you have altered your mental motion picture into reality. 
7. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by any negative thoughts or any doubts about the effectiveness of this procedure Metaphysical healing miracle.
8. Relax for a while, give yourself the opportunity to appreciate your own uniqueness, as well as the fact that the power of the mind berenargi work through you to produce a miracle cure for people Metaphysics yanga you love.
9. Spend as much time as you can afford to give with mindfulness without fragmented. Spend no more than 15 minutes to one healing sessions Metaphysics. 
10. Open up your eyes and continue your activities.
Do not let this deceive you kesedehanaan technique. Rare-described step allows you to reach or open the way to great power inherent in the wild universe yourself. You are actually born as a healer and now has a gradual method that allows you to realize and practice Metaphysical healer talent for anyone, everyone you love. 

Mind Ultra Technics to Lose Weight 

Perform this technique three times a day. If you are overweight bahdan 40 pounds or less, then padukanlah directives to mind the sublime as the fourth step in the technique of this miraculous weight loss.

1. Pick a place where you feel comfortable and not disturbed. Lay the body or sit on a chair back support is high enough to sustain the head. 
2. Close your eyes for a minute and look at the rhythm of your breath without trying to control it. Realize the relaxation spread throughout your body. 
3. Take a deep breath so that diagfragma stretch and immediately relax your abdominal muscles. Let the awareness spreads throughout the body with your breath, look as if he was absorbed in part by the cells of your body. Repeat practice this breathing exercise three times. 
4. Repeat the following words to your inner self: "Through the miracle power Ultraku mind, I ordered my physical body at this time also began to decrease in this weight my body achieve and maintain perfect health condition. Furthermore, I want to intelgensi Yourself General directs that this weight reduction take place proportionally, in the sense that I will experience a severe decline in the parts where weight reduction is needed. " 
5. Repeat the practice of breathing exercises as described in number 3, but now let you follow the spread of awareness of the breath of the body which gets weight dubutuhkan 
6. Repeat the following words in mind to yourself: "Through the miracle of mind-power ultra Metaphysical healing miracle I want also directed at my appetite, and I want to nutritious foods for my body is in the portion required for the achievement and maintenance of health The perfect ". 
7. During the one-minute look at the flow of your breath without effort to control it. Allow yourself to realize the relaxation that spread throughout the body. 
8. Open your eyes and do the activities as usual.
Special For Great Self-Referrals 

Repeat the following words to yourself in the mind: "Through the miracle power of mind I'm directing Self-Ultra Agungku to continue the reduction in weight gain to reach the weight I wanted (insert value weight you want to accomplish). When I have achieved weight This desired, Self Agungku will stop the weight loss and weight that I want will be maintained and all my body systems are in complete and perfect health. " 
Specific directives for this Supreme Self should only be used if someone is overweight is not more than 40 pounds. Referrals are inserted on the fourth step in the instructions above, so that instruction number 4 above will be number 4-B and will be preceded by specific directives on the Supreme Self (4-A)
You would be amazed at top speed and then achieved in lowering your body weight, while the body acquire a new vitality and achieve optimal health. By using the techniques given above miracle, you and those you love do not need worried about the excess weight again.

How therapy or massage and keep eating 1

HOW therapy or massage 

1. To therapy or Massaging 
My blog this time is a continuation of my previous blog, "back to nature through alternative THERAPY". If you see and read my previous blogs then you know the points of reflection on the anatomy of our body. There, therefore I will not again to discuss several examples how to massage the points of reflection, I just give a picture of the points of reflection, what I do to be able to reproduce the posts that diseases will be cured with reflexology follows:

Do not massage on pregnant women, menstruation, infections and swollen body parts
REACTION after a massage
Maybe itching, swelling, blue, diarrhea, dizziness, fever and red urine. Be quiet and do not worry, these symptoms are temporary, sometimes lasting only 6 hours and not dangerous. In fact it is a good response from the body, continue massaging three days later. This treatment is inexpensive, easy to practical, effective and safe without side effects


Here are the key to complete healing, should be disciplined for not healed. If the air is no longer taboo, do not overeat

 1. Kidney stones 
Symptoms: tired of life, is that urine is not good just a little drip
Reflexology: Massage reflection region kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate, penis, abdominal lymph nodes, stomach, colon transverse. 22, 23, 24, 50, 51, 40, 15, 29
Regulations eat: offal, fat, meat goats, cows and buffaloes, and peanuts.Avoid food and beverages in packaging. And multiply it crystal clear drinking water.

2. Diabetes 
Symptoms: Moderate to cold, vertigo or dizziness in the head, easy to tingling in the foot, bloating and heartburn easy, simple sprain or joint pain, constant urination, fast, hungry, thirsty, tired, cold hands and feet, can not stand hot or cold air, when it incurred severe itching and sores
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of the stomach, intestine 12 fingers, pancreas, gall bladder, parathyroid gland, prostate, head, eyes, penis. 15, 16, 17, 19, 13, 1, 50, 8, 51
Regulations eat: Cut sweet but not dihilangan completely because it can damage the liver. Meat goats, cows and buffalo, shrimp, crab, shrimp paste, offal, fat, green banana, durian fruit, sapodilla, jackfruit, coconut water coconut water except green.

3. Poisoning FOOD AND DRINK 
Reflexology: Massage empeu bladder reflection area, tonsils, spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestine 12 fingers, transverse colon, brain, organ of balance. 19, 45, 34, 15, 17, 16, 29,  1, 42
Taboo food: Spicy, ice cream, coconut milk and alcohol

4. HEAD headache 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area trigeminus nerve, head, forehead gland below the brain, stomach, intestines, 12 fingers, pancreas. 5, 1, 2, 4, 15, 16, 17 Massage also meetings between the thumb bone with your index finger to the bottom (see Figure 7), massage the front of the head, over head, side of the head (see Figure 7)
Regulations eat: Meat, brain, intestines, fat, salted fish

5. Whitish 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of the uterus, vagina, spleen, reproductive gland, the gland below the brain, abdominal lymph nodes, kidneys, urinary bladder. 50, 51, 34, 36, 36, 4, 40, 22, 23, 24
Regulations Eating: Cucumber, pineapple, green banana, eggs, shrimp, crab, shrimp paste

6. It smells 
Reflexology: Massage reflection region gland below the brain, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal, reproductive, prostate, lymph nodes. 4, 12, 13, 17, 21, 36, 36, 50, 39, 39, 40, 41
The regulations of eating: Eat less red onions and garlic

7. Drug Addiction 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area trigeminus nerve, gland below the brain, head (brain), the tonsils, spleen, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, kidney, ureter, bladder, regional reflection metabolism, the gall bladder. 5, 4, 1 45, 34, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 15, 16, 17, 19
Taboo food: Alcohol, and do not smoke

8. High Cholesterol 
Symptoms: Light loss of balance, pain that pierced his neck behind the head when it is disruptive to the left cardiac chest pain.
Reflexology: Massage reflection area in the small intestine, transverse colon, stomach, intestines, 12 fingers, pancreas, small brain, gland below the brain, heart, ear and balance organs. 25, 29, 15, 16, 17, 3, 4, 33, 9, 42
Taboo food: Brains, eggs, offal, fats, oils in cholesterol, fat coconut milk, fish heads, butter and hazelnut.

9. Obesity 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of the thyroid gland, stomach, small intestine, transverse colon, gall bladder. 12, 15, 25, 29, 19
Taboo food: fat, offal, oil, cholesterol, coconut milk and brain

10. Leprosy 
Reflexology: Massage reflection region kidney, ureter, bladder, adrenal gland, the gland below the brain, nerve trigeminus, the reproductive gland, spleen, all lymph nodes. 22, 23, 24, 21, 4, 5, 36, 34, 39, 39, 40, 41
Taboo Foods: Lobster, shrimp, crab, salted fish, eggs and fat

11. Leukemia 
Reflexology: Massage reflection region kidney, ureter, bladder, adrenal gland, liver, gallbladder, spleen, glands in the brain, tonsils, thyroid gland and all the lymph nodes. 22, 23, 24, 21, 18, 19, 34, 4, 45, 12, 39, 39, 40, 41
Regulations eat: Meat goats, cows and buffalo offal, fat, eggs, shrimp, crab, shrimp and paste.

12. Liver 
Symptoms: Nausea, heartburn pain in the chest cavity, abdominal pain upper right, easily fatigued and tired, tummy slightly enlarged.
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of the stomach, pancreas, intestine 12 fingers, liver, gall bladder, the gland below the brain, nerve trigeminus, all lymph nodes. 15, 17, 16, 18, 19, 4, 5, 39, 39, 40, 41
Regulations eat: all that fat, offal, dagin goats, cows and buffaloes are also a spicy, spicy

13. Wound 
Symptoms: Bloating, wind and reel easily inside the head, and tingling in the foot
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of the stomach, pancreas, intestine 12 fingers, gall bladder, abdominal lymph nodes. 15, 17, 16, 19, 40
Taboo food: Ice, spicy, sour, alcohol, foods high

14. Blood circulation 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of the heart, adrenal, parathyroid, stomach, pancreas, intestine 12 fingers, kidney, ureter, bladder, lungs. 33, 21, 13, 15, 17, 16, 22, 23, 24, 14 Other heart compression area (see Figure 6, 8, 9), massage the point of reflection of the lungs (see Figure 6, 8) massage stomach reflection point (see Figure 6), kidney massage reflection point (see Figure 6, 8, 9) Try a lot of walking, physical exercise and drinking water clear
The regulations of eating: brain, intestines, all fatty foods, cholesterol oil

16. Blood circulation in the brain 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of the head (brain), forehead, small brain, gland below the brain, nerve trigeminus, parathyroid glands, lungs, heart, kidney, ureter, bladder. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 33, 22, 23, 24 Massage meetings between the thumb with your index finger bones, in front of the head, head, back of the head (see Figure 7)
Taboo food: Brains, offal, fats, eggs, oil, cholesterol, thick coconut milk, durian fruit, fish and salted fish head

Symptoms: Lack of proper functioning of the lymph nodes, fatigue, diarrhea, weight loss, thrush and presence of red spots in a circle
Reflexology: Massage regional lymph reflection of other glands, kidney, ureter, bladder, lung, spleen, tonsils, gall bladder, heart, jaw, upper jaw, trigeminus nerve, stomach, abdominal nerve fibers and the organ of balance.39, 39, 40, 41, 4, 12, 13, 17, 21, 36, 36, 50, 22, 23, 24, 14, 34, 45, 19, 33, 46, 47, 5, 15, 20, 42.
Regulations eat: All types of meat, offal, oily and spicy food, brains, eggs, shrimp, crab, shrimp paste, fish sauce, alcohol, mango fruit, fruit, fruit tailings, avocado, jackfruit, cassava and do not smoke

18. Barren 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of reproductive (ovary / testicle), the gland below the brain, adrenals, heart, spleen, stomach, intestines, 12 fingers, pancreas, uterus / prostate, vagina / penis. 36, 36, 4, 21, 33, 34, 15, 16, 17, 50, 51
Taboo food: Coconut water except green coconut, green bananas, spice containers (flour)

19. Sperm aqueous 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area in the sex glands, all the lymph nodes, stomach, intestines, 12 fingers, pancreas, gall bladder, adrenal gland, kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate, penis, the gland below the brain, the brain is the organ of balance, heart and spleen. 36, 36, 39, 39, 40, 41, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 50, 51, 4, 1, 42, 33, 34
Pantanagan Eating: coconut water, green bananas and cucumbers

20. Strengthens immune system 
Reflexology: Massage reflection area of the spleen, stomach, intestines, 12 fingers, pancreas, gall bladder, kidney, ureter, bladder, adrenal glands, head (brain), trigeminus nerve, lung, heart, sex glands, all the lymph nodes. 34, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 21, 1, 5, 14, 33, 36, 36, 39, 39, 40, 41
Regulations eat: Do not eat too much high-cholesterol food, sweets, foods that trigger high uric acid, offal and meat

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