Creativity for creating jobs is the right way at the present time, where the more narrow field of work, especially for us who probably would minimal education is also a connection. Then why do we not try to be creative, open our horizons and add to the spirit and intention to increase his own income at home.
There are several ways that may be able to create such jobs, 1. Making assorted crackers 2. Make a traditional drink 3. make candied fruits With the guidance or tips for food processing as mentioned above, can add value to your business. Of course, creativity, interests, courage and spirit will inspire you to create an advanced home industry.
I. Processing Types of Crackers a. Crackers Milk The materials and equipment1. Ingredients
- Breast milk 20 lt
- 4 kg wheat flour
- Salt fine / bleng 2 ounces
- Coriander to taste
- Vitsin taste
- Garlic to taste2. Equipment
- Pots
- Knives
- Stove
- Filter
- Plastic bags
- TrayHow to make Milk Crackers1. Strain the flour with fine gauze and give milk gradually, stirring constantly until blended, then strain the back of the filter for coarse. 2. Puree the garlic, coriander, salt and MSG and give water to taste. Solution of mixed spice and mix evenly with flour mixture and milk before, let stand until the spices to infuse. 3. Enter the dough in plastic and tie, then boiled for 20 minutes until cooked.Then remove and let cool 4. Once cool, open plastinya bag, then cut the dough thinly and dry in the sun to dry completely, then fried and ready to be marketed.
b. Crackers MEAT The materials and equipment1. Ingredients
- 3 kg Beef
- Chicken Eggs
- Salt to taste
- 3 kg of tapioca flour
- Sugar 0.5 kg
- Water taste2. Equipment
- Stove
- Pots
- Knives
- Steamer
- Wooden trayHow to Make Meat Crackers1. Clean the meat from the fatty tissue and then wash, then cut into small pieces and grind until smooth. Mix the ground beef with tapioca flour, sugar, salt and eggs little by little and stir until blended. Knead dough until soft 2. The dough is shaped like a cylinder and wrapped in banana leaves. Then steam for 2 hours until cooked. Remove and chill overnight. 3. Cut a thin layer of dough that has been cold and dry in the sun to dry, then ready to be fried or packed directly.
c. Crackers KRECEK Materials and Equipment1. Ingredients
- Wheat Starch 3 kg
- Flour 1 kg
- Paste 1 / 2 ounces
- Garlic 5 bj
- Salt gendar 1 / 2 ounces
- Kitchen salt, to taste vitsin
- Water taste2. Equipment
- Stove
- Pots
- Knives
- steamer
- Wooden trayHow to make Crackers "Krecek (indonesia)"
1. Combine and mix flour and tapioca, give a little water and mix until resembles porridge. 2. Boil until mixture boils shrimp paste, salt gendar, salt and flavorings. Then mix with a dough of flour, plus garlic which was fine. Next mix the dough by steaming for 10 minutes. Once frozen remove and let cool 3. Dry in the sun for a while, and sliced the dough, then dry in the sun again until completely dry 4. In order to bloom krecek crackers, fried krecek first in a small pan, then fried again in a large skillet. 5. And Crackers are ready to serve Krecek
d. Emping BELINJO (indonesia) The materials and equipment1. Ingredients
- Fruit melinjo old
- Sand2. Equipment
- Iron or Stone Hammer
- Zinc thin
- Stove
- Winnowing
- Knives
- Pestle and mortar
- Plastic Bags
- A wide flat stoneHow to make Emping Belinjo1. Select belinjo who was very old, peeled and fried with sand, stir. 2. Once cooked, place the lift on a flat stone, using a pestle and mortar melinjo the rough outer skin will peel off in a way streaked play 3. Belinjo seeds that have been chipped and flaked skin evenly with a hammer. After the thin, thin belinjo move into the winnowing and dry in the sun to dry. Furthermore fried with cooking oil.
II. Making Traditional Drinks a. Rice Drinks Kencur (indonesia) Materials and Equipment1. Ingredients
- Rice 2.5 ounces
- Kencur 2.5 ounces
- Turmeric 2 oz
- 1 oz Cinnamon
- Acid Java 5 ounces
- Sugar Palm 1.5 kg
- Water Cook 10 lt
- Salt to taste2. Equipment
- Pan / basin
- Knives
- Pounder
- BottleHow to make drinks Rice Kencur
1. Washed and soaked rice in a saucepan. Kencur and turmeric peeled, then wash
2. Rice, kencur and turmeric ground together until smooth. Next add the boiled water, tamarind, palm sugar and a little salt. Mix well and filter it fine. Rice Drinks Kencur poured into bottles ready to be marketed or drunk
b. Herbal Slimming Materials and Equipment1. Ingredients
- Kencur 2.5 ounces
- Turmeric 2.5 ounces
- Lead Retrieval 2.5 ounces
- Temu lawak 2.5 ounces
- Laos 2.5 ounces
- Serai 2 ounces
- Jong Rahap 30 g
- Pepper perforated 30 g
- Clove 50 g
- 1 oz Cinnamon
- Coriander mungsi 1 ounce
- Cardamom
- Lempuyang 2.5 ounces
- Kedawung botor
- Wood singset 5 pcs
- Cubeb 0.5 ounces
- Acid Java
- Pepper 40 gr
- Water Matang 12 lt
2. Equipment
- Winnowing
- Knives
- Pounder
- Stove
- Filter
how to make herb slimming
1. Kencur, turmeric, Curcuma dribbles, temu lawak, laos and lemon grass cleaned and cut into thin slices, place in Tapah and then dry in the sun for 2 days with normal heat. 2. Once dried, roasted material. For other materials that wash and dry in the sun until dry and then roasted. 3. Mix the two ingredients that have been dry, then mash them together until smooth. Next, filter the results of the collision was fine. 4. And finely powdered mineral singset ready to be packed or consumed
c. Bitter Herbs
The materials and equipment
1. Ingredients
- Brotowali 0.5 ounces
- Babakab Pule 1 ounce
- Leaves Sambiloto 3 ounces
- Leaves Meniran 2 ounces
- Meeting Ireng 3 pieces
- Lempuyang 2 ounces
- Temu lawak 4 ounces
- Serai 3 ounces
- Laos 2 ounces
- Clean Water 10 liters (50 cups)
2. Equipment
- Pan / basin
- Stove
- Bottle
How to Make Herbal bitter1. Medicinal cut into small pieces, then boiled in a saucepan until boiling and cooked 2. Once cooked boiled water usually blackish in color and aromatic bitter.Then filtered with a fine sieve, put the already filtered liquid in the bottle and herbs are ready for consumption
d. Herbal Chilli Lempuyang (indonesia)
Materials and Equipment1. Ingredients
- Chili herbs (not chili) 3.5 oz
- Lempuyang 7.5 ounces
- Kencur 2 ounces
- Turmeric 2 oz
- Acid Java 2.5 ounces
- 1 kg Coconut Sugar
- 3-4 tsp Salt
- Water mature 10 lt
2. Equipment
- Knives
- Pounder
- Pots
- Filter fabric
- Bottle
How to make Herbal Chilli Lempuyang1. Cabe, Lempuyang, Kencur, Turmeric, peeled and finely ground. Put dibaskon then give boiled water, tamarind, palm sugar and a little salt stirring until blended. 2. The mixture was filtered flat with fine gauze, and filter the results poured in a bottle and sealed. Jamu is ready to be drunk
e. Herbal Kunir Asem (indonesia)
Materials and Equipment
1. Ingredients
- Kunir 1 kg
- Java 1.5 kg acid
- Sugar Palm 1.5 kg
- Water mature 10 lt
- Salt to taste2. Equipment
- Knives
- Tool grinding
- Pan / basin
- Filter
- Bottle
How to make herbal Kunir Asem1. Select an elderly turmeric, peeled and washed, and then mashed turmeric until smooth. Place saffron in a saucepan fine. 2. Pour the boiled water in a pan of soft add turmeric tamarind, palm sugar, and a little salt with an appropriate comparison 3. Mix all ingredients and knead until well blended, then strain and put in clean bottles and seal tightly. 4. Jamu Kunir Asem ready to be marketed
III. Creating of Candied Fruits a. Candied Nutmeg Materials and Equipment
1. Ingredients
- Fruits Nutmeg
- Salt
- Sugar Sand
- Lime
- Water Supply2. Equipment
- Stove
- Pan / basin
- Knives
- Tray
- Plastic bags / jars
How to make Candied Nutmeg
1. The old nutmeg, peel skin and take the seeds and then split in two.Furthermore, boiled for about 5 minutes to boil, drain. 2. Enter the nutmeg in a salt solution for 2 hours, with a ratio of 50 g of salt with 1 liter of water, after which the thinly sliced or to taste. soak the slices after nutmeg whiting in water solution overnight, and drain. 3. Make a sugar solution with a ratio of 2 parts water to 1 part sugar. Then boil until boiling. Lift. 4. Soak the nutmeg that has been soaked in water overnight whiting with a solution of sugar, leave overnight, then drain. Make up to 2 times of soaking with a solution of sugar 5. If you'd like candied become dry, stay dried after being soaked, then sprinkle with sugar. The sweets are ready to eat
b. Candied Papaya
The materials and equipment1. Ingredients
- Papaya-boiled 1 / 2 kg
- Water Lime 1 lt
- Sweetener 1 / 4 kg
- Water beverages 1 lt
- Acid 2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon raspberry
2. Equipment
- Stove
- Pan / basin
- Knives
- Tray
- Plastic bags or jars
How to make Candied Papaya
1. Peel the papaya and sliced according to taste, and soak in whiting for 30 minutes. After a bit hardened, washed well 2. Boil the water with all the other ingredients for about 2 hours, pick up and ready to be packed
I. Processing Types of Crackers a. Crackers Milk The materials and equipment1. Ingredients
- Breast milk 20 lt
- 4 kg wheat flour
- Salt fine / bleng 2 ounces
- Coriander to taste
- Vitsin taste
- Garlic to taste2. Equipment
- Pots
- Knives
- Stove
- Filter
- Plastic bags
- TrayHow to make Milk Crackers1. Strain the flour with fine gauze and give milk gradually, stirring constantly until blended, then strain the back of the filter for coarse. 2. Puree the garlic, coriander, salt and MSG and give water to taste. Solution of mixed spice and mix evenly with flour mixture and milk before, let stand until the spices to infuse. 3. Enter the dough in plastic and tie, then boiled for 20 minutes until cooked.Then remove and let cool 4. Once cool, open plastinya bag, then cut the dough thinly and dry in the sun to dry completely, then fried and ready to be marketed.
b. Crackers MEAT The materials and equipment1. Ingredients
- 3 kg Beef
- Chicken Eggs
- Salt to taste
- 3 kg of tapioca flour
- Sugar 0.5 kg
- Water taste2. Equipment
- Stove
- Pots
- Knives
- Steamer
- Wooden trayHow to Make Meat Crackers1. Clean the meat from the fatty tissue and then wash, then cut into small pieces and grind until smooth. Mix the ground beef with tapioca flour, sugar, salt and eggs little by little and stir until blended. Knead dough until soft 2. The dough is shaped like a cylinder and wrapped in banana leaves. Then steam for 2 hours until cooked. Remove and chill overnight. 3. Cut a thin layer of dough that has been cold and dry in the sun to dry, then ready to be fried or packed directly.
c. Crackers KRECEK Materials and Equipment1. Ingredients
- Wheat Starch 3 kg
- Flour 1 kg
- Paste 1 / 2 ounces
- Garlic 5 bj
- Salt gendar 1 / 2 ounces
- Kitchen salt, to taste vitsin
- Water taste2. Equipment
- Stove
- Pots
- Knives
- steamer
- Wooden trayHow to make Crackers "Krecek (indonesia)"
1. Combine and mix flour and tapioca, give a little water and mix until resembles porridge. 2. Boil until mixture boils shrimp paste, salt gendar, salt and flavorings. Then mix with a dough of flour, plus garlic which was fine. Next mix the dough by steaming for 10 minutes. Once frozen remove and let cool 3. Dry in the sun for a while, and sliced the dough, then dry in the sun again until completely dry 4. In order to bloom krecek crackers, fried krecek first in a small pan, then fried again in a large skillet. 5. And Crackers are ready to serve Krecek
d. Emping BELINJO (indonesia) The materials and equipment1. Ingredients
- Fruit melinjo old
- Sand2. Equipment
- Iron or Stone Hammer
- Zinc thin
- Stove
- Winnowing
- Knives
- Pestle and mortar
- Plastic Bags
- A wide flat stoneHow to make Emping Belinjo1. Select belinjo who was very old, peeled and fried with sand, stir. 2. Once cooked, place the lift on a flat stone, using a pestle and mortar melinjo the rough outer skin will peel off in a way streaked play 3. Belinjo seeds that have been chipped and flaked skin evenly with a hammer. After the thin, thin belinjo move into the winnowing and dry in the sun to dry. Furthermore fried with cooking oil.
II. Making Traditional Drinks a. Rice Drinks Kencur (indonesia) Materials and Equipment1. Ingredients
- Rice 2.5 ounces
- Kencur 2.5 ounces
- Turmeric 2 oz
- 1 oz Cinnamon
- Acid Java 5 ounces
- Sugar Palm 1.5 kg
- Water Cook 10 lt
- Salt to taste2. Equipment
- Pan / basin
- Knives
- Pounder
- BottleHow to make drinks Rice Kencur
1. Washed and soaked rice in a saucepan. Kencur and turmeric peeled, then wash
2. Rice, kencur and turmeric ground together until smooth. Next add the boiled water, tamarind, palm sugar and a little salt. Mix well and filter it fine. Rice Drinks Kencur poured into bottles ready to be marketed or drunk
b. Herbal Slimming Materials and Equipment1. Ingredients
- Kencur 2.5 ounces
- Turmeric 2.5 ounces
- Lead Retrieval 2.5 ounces
- Temu lawak 2.5 ounces
- Laos 2.5 ounces
- Serai 2 ounces
- Jong Rahap 30 g
- Pepper perforated 30 g
- Clove 50 g
- 1 oz Cinnamon
- Coriander mungsi 1 ounce
- Cardamom
- Lempuyang 2.5 ounces
- Kedawung botor
- Wood singset 5 pcs
- Cubeb 0.5 ounces
- Acid Java
- Pepper 40 gr
- Water Matang 12 lt
2. Equipment
- Winnowing
- Knives
- Pounder
- Stove
- Filter
how to make herb slimming
1. Kencur, turmeric, Curcuma dribbles, temu lawak, laos and lemon grass cleaned and cut into thin slices, place in Tapah and then dry in the sun for 2 days with normal heat. 2. Once dried, roasted material. For other materials that wash and dry in the sun until dry and then roasted. 3. Mix the two ingredients that have been dry, then mash them together until smooth. Next, filter the results of the collision was fine. 4. And finely powdered mineral singset ready to be packed or consumed
c. Bitter Herbs
The materials and equipment
1. Ingredients
- Brotowali 0.5 ounces
- Babakab Pule 1 ounce
- Leaves Sambiloto 3 ounces
- Leaves Meniran 2 ounces
- Meeting Ireng 3 pieces
- Lempuyang 2 ounces
- Temu lawak 4 ounces
- Serai 3 ounces
- Laos 2 ounces
- Clean Water 10 liters (50 cups)
2. Equipment
- Pan / basin
- Stove
- Bottle
How to Make Herbal bitter1. Medicinal cut into small pieces, then boiled in a saucepan until boiling and cooked 2. Once cooked boiled water usually blackish in color and aromatic bitter.Then filtered with a fine sieve, put the already filtered liquid in the bottle and herbs are ready for consumption
d. Herbal Chilli Lempuyang (indonesia)
Materials and Equipment1. Ingredients
- Chili herbs (not chili) 3.5 oz
- Lempuyang 7.5 ounces
- Kencur 2 ounces
- Turmeric 2 oz
- Acid Java 2.5 ounces
- 1 kg Coconut Sugar
- 3-4 tsp Salt
- Water mature 10 lt
2. Equipment
- Knives
- Pounder
- Pots
- Filter fabric
- Bottle
How to make Herbal Chilli Lempuyang1. Cabe, Lempuyang, Kencur, Turmeric, peeled and finely ground. Put dibaskon then give boiled water, tamarind, palm sugar and a little salt stirring until blended. 2. The mixture was filtered flat with fine gauze, and filter the results poured in a bottle and sealed. Jamu is ready to be drunk
e. Herbal Kunir Asem (indonesia)
Materials and Equipment
1. Ingredients
- Kunir 1 kg
- Java 1.5 kg acid
- Sugar Palm 1.5 kg
- Water mature 10 lt
- Salt to taste2. Equipment
- Knives
- Tool grinding
- Pan / basin
- Filter
- Bottle
How to make herbal Kunir Asem1. Select an elderly turmeric, peeled and washed, and then mashed turmeric until smooth. Place saffron in a saucepan fine. 2. Pour the boiled water in a pan of soft add turmeric tamarind, palm sugar, and a little salt with an appropriate comparison 3. Mix all ingredients and knead until well blended, then strain and put in clean bottles and seal tightly. 4. Jamu Kunir Asem ready to be marketed
III. Creating of Candied Fruits a. Candied Nutmeg Materials and Equipment
1. Ingredients
- Fruits Nutmeg
- Salt
- Sugar Sand
- Lime
- Water Supply2. Equipment
- Stove
- Pan / basin
- Knives
- Tray
- Plastic bags / jars
How to make Candied Nutmeg
1. The old nutmeg, peel skin and take the seeds and then split in two.Furthermore, boiled for about 5 minutes to boil, drain. 2. Enter the nutmeg in a salt solution for 2 hours, with a ratio of 50 g of salt with 1 liter of water, after which the thinly sliced or to taste. soak the slices after nutmeg whiting in water solution overnight, and drain. 3. Make a sugar solution with a ratio of 2 parts water to 1 part sugar. Then boil until boiling. Lift. 4. Soak the nutmeg that has been soaked in water overnight whiting with a solution of sugar, leave overnight, then drain. Make up to 2 times of soaking with a solution of sugar 5. If you'd like candied become dry, stay dried after being soaked, then sprinkle with sugar. The sweets are ready to eat
b. Candied Papaya
The materials and equipment1. Ingredients
- Papaya-boiled 1 / 2 kg
- Water Lime 1 lt
- Sweetener 1 / 4 kg
- Water beverages 1 lt
- Acid 2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon raspberry
2. Equipment
- Stove
- Pan / basin
- Knives
- Tray
- Plastic bags or jars
How to make Candied Papaya
1. Peel the papaya and sliced according to taste, and soak in whiting for 30 minutes. After a bit hardened, washed well 2. Boil the water with all the other ingredients for about 2 hours, pick up and ready to be packed
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